Thursday, 25 October 2007

Anti-Forensic Rootkits

Incident response and digital forensics are fast moving fields which have made significant progress over the last couple of years. This means new techniques and tools, one of these is live forensic capture. Live forensics capture means taking an image of a machine while the machine is still running, this is brilliant for the investigators and is becoming common practice. Unfortunately the rootkit premise of "whoever hooks lowest wins" kicks in. So, despite assurances from major forensics software vendors it is possible to give an investigator seemingly valid but completely spurious data.

To prove this isn't just theoretical (as has been claimed) I created an implementation called "ddefy" which is a kernel mode anti-forensic rootkit for Windows systems. This talk will be relatively low level, covering NTFS internals, NT storage architecture, Windows kernel rootkit methods, forensic techniques and their corresponding anti-forensic counterpart.