Tuesday, 23 October 2007

sqlninja v0.1.2 released - sqlserver injection and takeover

sqlninja is a specialized tool for exploiting SQL injection bugs in web applications that use Microsoft SQL server as a backend.

The main goal of this program is to provide shell access on the target database server, even in a very hostile environment. sqlninja can help the penetration tester to automate the process of taking over a database server once an SQL injection vulnerability has been discovered.

v0.1.2 features include:

  • SQL server fingerprinting and enumeration of user privileges
  • sa account bruteforce and privilege escalation
  • custom xp_cmdshell creation
  • custom executable upload using only HTTP requests
  • reverse tcp/udp portscan of the attacking machine to find an open port for reverse tunneling
  • forward and reverse bindshell ability, tcp and udp supported
  • DNS command tunneling / psuedo shell - covert channel - bypass firewall restrictions.

For a quick overview of what sqlninja is all about you can check out this flash demo.

sqlninja is written in perl and should run on any UNIX platform with a perl interpreter, as long as all needed modules have been installed. sqlninja is released by the author icesurfer under the GPL v2 license.
